Description Set Racchi: Some references on the temple Wirakocha Racchi:If we start to make a bibliographical and historical sources analysis, we mention this set both writings of the XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX, ie in Hispanic chronicles of the period of foreign domination, as travelers both colonial and Republicans, so we have for example […]
Piquillacta description:Piquillacta:The city of Piquillacta prequechua process belongs to the Wari state.Wari:Process belonging to the so-called Regional Training Regional or also known as Period or Regional Developments.We must indicate that the process Warpa established contacts with the Ica-Nasca (human settlement) process, which brought a cultural exchange, with the subsequent development of ceramics; almost parallel +600, […]
Description de Tipon: The Tipón Group:It is the most important and interesting group of the archaeological site from which we are dealing. Some argue us that these sets were built during the final period of government of Yawar Wakaj and were completed in the period Wiraqocha, but by the type of architecture and construction characteristics, […]
Machu Picchu
Description Set Machu PicchuThe magnitude of the set will be appreciated divided into two distinct areas that give us a clearer and perfect layout of its urban layout idea.Demarcation of the archaeological siteA. Agricultural Sector:The agricultural sector, to understand and study best we separate it into two areas.A.1. Superior Agricultural AreaIt is what is the […]
Maras and Moray
Description of the Set:Maras:It is a typically Hispanic population, with streets in a straight line, a large colonial plaza and a lot of constructions of houses, many of which even coats of arms can be seen in the doorposts.According to the news they bring us the chroniclers, following the departure of the tribes (four) of […]
Chinchero description: Chinchero: Chinchero is at an altitude of 3,750 m. s. n. m. m. The area belongs to a plateau or Andean altiplano; Geographically, it belongs to an area or ecosystem Quechua, very important area of agricultural production, especially potatoes.Etymologically, the Quechua word Chinchero, may come from the term: chinchay, which is a feline […]
Description Set Ollantaytambo:The Town of Ollantaytambo:Currently, almost all sectors of prehispanic this area are abandoned and left to predation with the complacency of the authorities (case Pilcowasí sector).The only sector that we can say, is preserved, it is the town of Ollantaytambo, but not by the action of the authorities, but by a small part […]
pisaqDescription Set Pisac:Construction Material:The building material is red diorite porphyry called by many well as adobes.Description of the Set:The description of the whole carry out in a simple, therefore, begin by grouping sets according to their function: Andenes. Ring walls. Doors. Rooms or residential sectors. Puentes. Roads. Deposits or barns. Cemeteries. Pukaras. Canteras.This way there: Eleven agricultural sectors. Two funeral sectors (funerary contexts) Six urban areas. Two groups of […]
It is located north of the city of Cusco, Cusco fencing district, province of Cusco. Access: These are three-way, two motorized and pedestrian. The unpaved roads are paved and other paved; one of Saphy, to San Cristobal and then runs along the slopes of Cerro Sacsayhuaman up to the booth access to the archaeological site; […]